Guahibo lesson revision

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Guahibo lesson revision
The New Testament has recently been revised for the Guahibo people group of Colombia, South America. Because of the revision and new terminology for the basic spiritual terms, the wording needs to be revised in all the previously developed evangelism and discipleship lessons. This means that all lessons prepared since 1994 for the five phases of teaching employed by Ethnos360 church planters are in urgent need of revision.
The plan is to provide the present church and the expanding church with lessons that match the present Scripture, using the improved vocabulary for the spiritual terminology.
Your gifts have allowed the revision to take place. With the lesson revision completed, Biblical truths and promises will be clearer for believers’ exhortation, strengthening and encouragement. As the gospel is made clearer, its effects will spread throughout the entire Guahibo nation as well as into neighboring language groups that are related to the Guahibo language.

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