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Solar Radios for Reaching Isolated People in Bolivia

Project Number: PBO015

Goal: $10,500 Achieved: $4,728
Bolivia, Latin America

A great deal of audio and video programming has been produced in four of the people group languages of Bolivia: Chimane, Trinitario, Yuracare and Ayoré. One problem lies in the limited number of audio and video players that are available for people who live in isolated villages. This keeps many in those isolated locations from benefitting from the many hours of high-quality video and audio Bible programs that have been produced in their specific languages. Another problem is the inherent suspicion that isolated villagers tend to have about outsiders coming into their villages. The more isolated the village, the more wary and suspicious they are of outsiders.

How You'll Be Helping

Your gift will help provide solar powered radios and other devices that will increase access by the isolated villages to the programming. Video and audio presentations have proven to be non-threatening. The people let their guard down and listen. The video and audio devices will make the quality materials that have been produced in the four languages more readily available and that accessibility will ultimately increase the benefit in the believers’ lives.

Solar Radio

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