From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
A quick glance at the research on the disadvantages of being illiterate reveals effects which include poor articulation, memory and analysis; an inability to understand the world; and difficulty in progressing economically, just to name a few. Ethnos360’s tagline is, “A thriving church for every people group.” Literacy plays a huge role in seeing that happen. Enormous amounts of energy and time are going into providing the Word of God into each people’s vernacular, in many cases having to reduce the language to writing. If the people can’t read, then we set a very low ceiling for the development of the people and the church.
In past years, there has been much discussion regarding working with the unreached through their tradition of orality and storytelling and not investing the time to put the Word of God in written form. How sad! I remember talking to a tribal village teacher in Asia who shared that if they were just to share the unwritten story, the villagers place that story in among the rest of their stories and folklore, ascribing no authority to it. However, when they see that the story has been recorded for many generations and preserved in written form, it gives deeper credence and authority to what is being taught. As this teacher was sharing this story with me, he expressed deep appreciation for the investment of the church planters in literacy because not only did he have the Bible in his own language, but he could read it as well. Because he is literate now, he also is able to develop his own teaching lessons.
In this issue, you will read more accounts of the importance of literacy in helping position the church to grow toward maturity and all that Christ has for them. Thanks so much for your part in the incredible ministry we are blessed to participate in together!
Yours in Christ,
Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO