From Our President

Dear Friend,
Have you ever thought about how a thriving church looks and functions?
It would be hard to pursue a vision of a thriving church for every people without knowing what you’re aiming at.
Our church planting teams and the leaders and consultants who guide them work from the model laid out in the New Testament, examining the health and vitality of a church from four different perspectives:
- God’s Word for the Church
- The Life of the Church
- Discipleship in the Church
- Identity of the Church
I’d love to explain all of that, but the editors of our magazine tell me there’s only this little space for my letter. So how do I do that?
Actually, I have a better idea. Why don’t I begin the explanation by sharing with you a story of how that’s actually working?
Turn to page four and read about what God is doing in and through His Church among the Guahibo people of Colombia.
Blessed to serve together,
Larry M. Brown
Ethnos360 President