Connect With... Keri Bramer

Keri Bramer
Ministry in Country: Nurse, Papua New Guinea
Sending Church: Adirondack Baptist Church, Gloversville, New York
Keri wanted to be a nurse ever since she was a little girl, but as a child she was also challenged to missions when a missionary spoke at her church. “Before I left church that evening, I told the Lord that if He wanted me to do missions, I would be willing to go.” She didn’t tell anyone of her decision but always remembered that decision whenever a missionary came to speak.
Then as a young woman, the Lord directed Keri into nursing — but missions was still in the back of her mind.
“I wasn’t sure how nursing and missions would work together for me in the future,” she said. But during her junior year in college, a medical missions trip to Peru gave her a glimpse into the possibilities.
After graduate school, the Lord gave Keri her dream job — working on a pediatric floor in a local hospital. Shortly after the job began, she went on another missions trip to the Dominican Republic, where she visited one of the local hospitals.
The Lord used those two mission trips, His Word, and the prayers and counsel of her pastor and his wife to provide direction for Keri. In August of 2017, Keri applied to Ethnos360 and learned of an opportunity to serve as a nurse in the mission’s medical clinic in Papua New Guinea.
Having arrived in Papua New Guinea in January, Keri enjoys working in the clinic and interacting with the missionaries and local people she serves there. God continues to direct and grow Keri in her faith: “I am learning that each day it is a choice to rely on the Lord and trust in His plan — even if it looks different from what we had in mind for ourselves.”
Keri plans to serve initially at the clinic for one year while seeking God’s direction for her next steps. Would you pray for God’s continued direction for her?