From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
Thank you for taking time to read our exciting Ethnos360 magazine. Exciting because of the incredible testimonies of what God is doing around the world.
In this issue, we feature the church planting work among the Menya people in Papua New Guinea. With the growing urban populations around the world, it’s a great reminder that there are still many of these isolated contexts in need of workers willing to serve in remote locations living out their relationship with Christ.
We’re so blessed to have two families who have responded to God’s leading in their lives, willing to abandon what was familiar and comfortable to them to enter into a culture, worldview and language they need to learn well before they can effectively present the gospel.
Though the learning is difficult and I’ve seen it bring couples to tears and discouragement, they find Christ’s sufficiency enough to keep moving forward. Nothing is more rewarding than to see people understand the depths of God’s Word due to missionaries’ investment made in order to communicate at the heart level.
I never cease to be amazed at the power of the gospel to pierce into the oppressive darkness and bring hope and light to precious people who now are our brothers and sisters in Christ.
May God challenge our hearts to keep pressing forward into these dark places in whatever place He has for us.
Blessed to serve with you,
Larry M. Brown
Ethnos360 CEO