87 Translations Down Opportunities Coming: 120

Can you imagine what it’s like for someone to read God’s Word in their language for the first time? You can make that happen today.
In 1959, back when this organization was called New Tribes Mission; the home office was in Woodworth, Wisconsin; and Alaska and Hawaii became states, we printed our first New Testament translation.
Our two most recent New Testament translations were completed just last year, finalized at Ethnos360’s home office in Sanford, Florida.
Those two number among 87 New Testaments completed by missionaries sent out by Ethnos360, and our partner organizations.
And when we say “our,” we mean “yours” as well. Partners like you are key both in heart-language ministry and in establishing thriving churches by generously funding New Testament translations from the start.
More opportunities abound.
Ethnos360 teams are at work on 120 more New Testaments. Each will cost about $277,000, or $35 a verse. This covers the costs involved in translating the Scriptures and the accompanying Bible lessons, as well as the costs of producing a literacy course so that people can read and understand God’s Word.
At that price, you can put God’s Word into print in another people group’s heart language today. Maybe you can sponsor a verse or two or ten. Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor. Find out more.
If you want to get behind a more specific translation project, check out the possibilities on our Translate page.