Connect With...The Peschka Family
Mike and Jessica Peschka
Ministry in Country: Church Planting in the Philippines
Sending Church: North Syracuse Baptist Church, North Syracuse, New York
Having arrived in the Philippines in February, Mike and Jessica are past their initial adjustments and are now making progress in their full-time study of the Tagalog language and Philippine culture.
Mike grew up in a Christian home in Syracuse, New York. While pursuing a career in law enforcement, he was challenged to invest his life for eternity and in that moment knew he was going to be a pastor or missionary. After talking with his pastor, he attended Ethnos360’s Interface program in Papua New Guinea in 2010. During this trip, God solidified in Mike’s mind what He wanted Mike to do with his life.
Jessica hails from near Toronto, Ontario, where she was likewise raised by Christian parents. At a Christian camp during high school, Jessica heard about unreached people groups around the world. While there she met a missionary family serving in the Philippines, the Talbots, and learned of their need for a homeschool teacher there. In 2009 Jessica went to the Philippines and spent a year with the Talbot family. God used that time to challenge her thinking on missions and to show her that He uses ordinary people who trust in Him to be used for His glory.
After God did a work in both of their hearts, they attended Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Jackson, Michigan, and were in the same class. Upon graduation they got married and continued their training with Ethnos360.
After an encouraging year of building a partnership team, they are glad to finally be in the Philippines. “We are excited to be here on the field and join the team of missionaries serving to see churches planted and the gospel lived out in every language. We desire to be used in church planting and look forward to what the Lord has in store for our future here in the Philippines.”
Thank you for praying for Mike and Jessica, along with two-year-old Jackson and baby number two, as they prepare to bring the gospel to people who have never heard it clearly in their own language.