Building a Physical Foundation to Build a Spiritual Foundation

Gerolf and Mailis Wuest joined the Dom team in 2011. They were ready to move in and begin culture and language study — but first they needed a house to live in.
Missionaries who specialized in construction and maintenance jumped in with both feet and their toolbelts.
“Right after we decided to join the Dom team, we started planning our house. People with more knowledge of designing a house, buying building supplies and building helped us.” Over a dozen missionaries participated at different stages. They helped with everything from framing and building to solar-electric, water and sewage systems to roofing and painting.
The Wuests were quick to express their gratitude, “We can honestly say that we could not do what we are doing without those willing hearts and hands!”
One of the missionaries involved in building was Bryan Moritz. Serving as the head of the maintenance team at NTM’s field center in Papua New Guinea, Bryan uses his background in construction to assist the wider mission team.
Bryan explains his role in church planting, “I never saw myself as a Bible translator or a tribal church planter. However, the Lord showed me that the skills and background I had could be used for His purposes and plans.
“It is such a privilege to be a part of the team as God has allowed me to help serve our fellow missionaries on our missionary center. Also, many times I have had the privilege to fly into remote locations to build new houses or work on maintenance needs.
“I would encourage you to step out in the adventure of serving Him in the way He has designed you!”
Do you have skills and experience in maintenance, construction, carpentry, electrical, plumbing or mechanics? Find out how you can use your experience to serve God in missions.