Immerse yourself in how God has used the Short-Term Trips to challenge people, to have people step outside their comfort zones and to see them learn to trust in Him. Is this your next step?
Oct 13, 2022

As Neil Burleson taught the next generation of missionaries, he himself was renewed about what God allows him to be a part of every day.
Sep 10, 2017

God has used the college-level course in Papua New Guinea to redirect lives.
Jun 15, 2014

A teacher urges his students to focus on God Himself.
May 18, 2014

Terry Reed has a challenging job -- but thinks it's the best job in the world.
May 04, 2014

Pray for Bryan and Shara Moritz and their family as they continue to build relationships and grow in their understanding of culture and language. Pray that God will protect their family and encourage them in His faithfulness as they serve Him at...
Jul 12, 2012

Praise God for recently orchestrating the repairs on "Genny #2" -- a generator at Interface in Papua New Guinea. Pray for the maintenance staff there who maintain and repair all the equipment and systems that make life at Interface "work." Ask God...
Jun 11, 2012

Pray for God's grace and provision for all missionaries who depend on generators for their daily power. Pray for those who are responsible for maintaining and repairing this kind of equipment. Pray that the new generator for the Interface campus...
May 18, 2012

This month, Missionary Aviation Fellowship and then the teachers of Numonohi Christian Academy will have conferences on the Interface campus. Pray that the Interface staff is able to provide all they need for successful meetings. Find out more...
Nov 18, 2011

God used a trip to Papua New Guinea to give Ragan Grimes some valuable insights. Ragan attended the Interface program to learn about tribal missions. Pray for Ragan as she seeks God’s will for her life.
Oct 31, 2011

Three interns from Germany have joined the Interface team for the next nine months: Marco Ziegler, Diemo Lieblor and Jonathan Seibold. “Pray that their time here will be encouraging and a time for them to draw closer to the Lord,”...
Oct 10, 2011

The 4-mile-long, bumpy, rutted road to the Interface campus is now “fairly smooth,” wrote Interface staff member Peter Doerksen. “Pray now that we can get some gravel.” Find out about Interface, a college-level missions...
Oct 03, 2011

Interface students and Mibu believers were mutually encouraged when the students visited the Mibu village. Please pray that the students will know God’s direction regarding their future with missions.
Aug 18, 2011

Today, Julie Koop and another Interface staff member took a group of six Interface students on a seven-day trip to a tribal work. “One of the main goals of our Interface program is to expose students to what it means to be a...
Jul 28, 2011

Geoff and Shannon Husa recently had the opportunity to tell Interface students about their work with the Mibu people. Pray that some of the students who heard the experiences of Geoff and Shannon will themselves “take the next step” and become...
Jul 21, 2011

Twenty new students arrived at Interface on Sunday. They’ll spend the next five weeks in a college-level hands-on missions course. “Pray that they will desire to know God more,” wrote Pete Doerksen. “And that this missions...
Jul 06, 2011

The staff at Interface is preparing for the arrival of new students. Classes will begin next week. Please pray for wisdom, strength and unity for the staff as they prepare. Pray too for the students as they travel and are introduced to missionary...
May 19, 2011

The students at Interface flew into a Simbari village over the weekend to give them a glimpse of a tribal church in action. Please pray for them as they return to their homes and discern how they will use what they’ve been learning for the...
Jan 28, 2010

Sun and wind dried up the road and the campus at Interface, clearing the way for a visit to a tribal village. Thanks for praying!
Jan 22, 2010

Sun and wind dried up the road and the campus at Interface, clearing the way for a visit to a tribal village. Thanks for praying!
Jan 22, 2010

Emily Henard and her classmates at Interface will take a four-day trip to a tribal village this weekend. Pray for a safe yet life-impacting visit.
Jan 21, 2010

Emily Henard and her classmates at Interface will take a four-day trip to a tribal village this weekend. Pray for a safe yet life-impacting visit.
Jan 21, 2010

Interface student Emily Henard has a new appreciation for the term "rainy season."
Jan 20, 2010

Please pray for the staff and students at Interface as they deal with the elements and continue to teach and learn more about planting tribal churches.
Jan 20, 2010

Interface student Emily Henard and her classmates are finding it challenging to communicate with the people they are living among. Pray that they will be able to have rewarding conversations.
Jan 15, 2010

Interface student Emily Henard and her classmates are finding it challenging to communicate with the people they are living among. Pray that they will be able to have rewarding conversations.
Jan 15, 2010

The people she’s meeting are having a huge impact on Interface student Emily Henard. Pray that this inspires her and other students to be involved with missions for the rest of their lives.
Jan 14, 2010

The people she’s meeting are having a huge impact on Interface student Emily Henard. Pray that this inspires her and other students to be involved with missions for the rest of their lives.
Jan 14, 2010

Interface student Emily Henard and her classmates are getting ready to face Papua New Guinea. Pray for good preparation and flexibility.
Jan 13, 2010

Fourteen students begin 2010 getting a close-up view of tribal church planting in a four-week Interface program in Papua New Guinea.
Jan 12, 2010

Fourteen students began the New Year learning about tribal church planting at the Interface program. Please pray that they will get a good understanding of the process and how it might affect their lives.
Jan 12, 2010

Missionary Doug Schaible exhorts Interface students and tribal believers to “be a firefly.”
Oct 23, 2007